TAGUS region
ROUTES for the Region
 Route I .- La Recovera Municipal Area: Alcántara 

The Route with the name of the place of the Recovera, takes to us to lands near the Tagus river. From there, we can contemplate the typical landscape of the Alcantara region: curled fields without vegetation, and lots of slate in their walls, full of this type of stone. Also there is a varied quota of shepherds´ houses, here known as -bujíos-.
From the Royal Cañada of Gata in the Industrial estate we will go to the Merinas´ pathway of Alcántara and from there, we will go to the Colada of la Recovera. From the Bujío Blanco, in the estate of -The Fraila-, we will cross the EX-117 to go through the colada up to the sanctuary of Our Lady of the Hitos, mistress of Alcántara. Once in the estate of the Recovera the landscape will become a mountain full of oaks, and it will be like that all the way back to the village. In this part of the route we will enjoy excellent views on the shore of the reservoir and of the dam. The route has some terms with signs and it takes all the time public ways or drovers´ roads. The Alcántara´s Reservoir has recently been declared Special Protection Area for Birds.

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Photographic gallery of the Route

Salida desde la Plaza de Portugal

Desvío de la Calleja del Carrascal

Típico buhío de pizarra junto a la Cañada

Albergue ganadero en la Cañada

Campos de pizarra en los Llanos de Brozas y Alcántara

Desvío para enlazar con el Cordel de Merinas de Alcántara

Cancela de entrada al Cordel de Merinas de Alcántara

Matorral bajo, aulaga brava

Ranúnculos en una charquetilla

El Bujío Blanco, finca La Fraila

Cruce de la carretera EX-207 por la colada de la Recovera

Primera cancela de camino a la ermita del Hito

Santuario de la Virgen de los Hitos


Acceso desde los Hitos a la colada de la Recovera

Puente arroyo Corredor

Apiario Recovera

Entrada finca Recovera


Colada Recovera

Cancela entrada

Bujío Recovera

Vista embalse

Puente Camino Recovera

Salida ctra poblado

Convento San Francisco


Gallery of Panoramic of the Route

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Salida desde la Plaza de Portugal
   | Plaza Mayor,7 | 10550 - Aliseda (Cáceres) | Web:
   | Princesa, 80 6°I | 28008 - Madrid | Telféfono: 91 360 46 13 - 91 360 46 12